Still want to know more? The most commonly asked questions are below...
How many links do I need?
There is absolutely no magical number that we can give you. Anyone who can give you that number is either stretching the truth or uninformed. We’ve seen some sites do well with a handful of links a month while others need much more in order to see any movement. There are way too many factors in play in order for us to determine what your magic number is, so we tend to start out slowly and ramp up link building as we need to.
How do you build links?
We build links in a variety of ways, but usually we email a prospective site and ask for a link. We do things slightly differently for each client as every campaign is bespoke.
How do I know if I need to disavow?
If you are the victim of a penalty due to links, you should first try and clean them up unless you didn’t build them. In a case like that, we’d recommend doing a disavow. There are times when you cannot remove links for various reasons and again, we’d recommend a disavow in those cases. We can help you determine which links need to be disavowed as it’s usually not a good idea to create a disavow list without having a professional advise you.
Are your links ‘safe’?
We don’t think that any link is actually 100% safe. We do everything we can in order to keep our clients from getting into trouble but since Google’s Webmaster Guidelines change frequently, there’s no way that any link is truly safe. We’ve seen editorial links be penalized and we’ve seen links that violate Google’s guidelines go unpunished.
What reports do you deliver?
We deliver the absolute most basic reports on the planet. We tell you where we built your links and we give you the associated information. That’s it. We don’t hide behind fancy reports that clients don’t understand. We tell you only what work we’ve done as that’s what is relevant.
Do we have to enter into a contract?
You do not. We have many yearly contract clients and many that go month to month. If a client isn’t happy or it’s just not working well, we have no desire to hold anyone to a contract.
What tools and systems do you use for link development?
We use good old-fashioned manual discovery and outreach. We have real human beings sitting in an office looking for good link partners for our clients. We do use an internal link management system that we have created but we don’t use any other tools to build links. We do use tools for analysis of course, but each of our links is generated by hard work done by our link builders.
Can you guarantee that link development will improve my rankings?
We can’t guarantee anything other than that we will do our best to do a good job. There are too many factors in play for us to guarantee that links will improve your rankings. They probably will, and they usually do from our experience, but our work is affected by other work that clients do, domain age and authority, industry competitiveness, etc.
Why would I bother with a nofollowed link?
Nofollows are about as safe as they come (for now) as they are set to tell Google not to count them as votes towards their targets. They’re part of a natural link profile. If you want traffic from a link, you should not care whether it can help you rank. Nofollows can drive some amazing converting traffic.
How do you track link ROI?
Usually we don’t track this in any other way than asking the client if things are going well. Most clients that we work with have marketing people on staff who handle this. If a client is happy, that’s enough of an ROI for all of us.