Our link building training gets you building links quickly and efficiently...
Link Building Training
Note: Our link building training program is currently on hold.
We’ve recently changed our approach to training. Previously, we trained clients either on-site or via Skype but we believe that the best link builders are trained by actually doing the work, not sitting through hours of lectures or reading loads of information. Therefore our current training opportunities involve functioning as link project managers for internal marketing teams or simply working on a consultative training basis. We do offer some very basic training documents but the real training happens through conversations that take place as a new link builder begins to understand exactly what makes a great link and learns how to get it. Actually sitting down and trying to build links is when it all starts to come together.
Over the years we have trained over 50 in-house link builders and several clients
Over the years we have trained over 50 in-house link builders and several clients. We have been easily able to hone in on what a link builder needs to know in order to do a great job and the most important skill is the desire to work hard. Link building is incredibly tedious work and without that drive, you will not succeed. We’ve seen amazingly gifted people fall flat on their faces due to overthinking the link game. We’ve trained link builders as young as 17 and several in their 50s.
Our methods are very simple but the constant discovery and outreach takes up a giant amount of time each day. Simply put, a link builder learns to build links by building links, not by reading about building links, talking about building links, and thinking about building links. Each link built leads to more confidence and excitement about the process, and each rejection leads to examination of what the problem is. We never view lost links as anything other than a learning experience to help us figure out what we did wrong. Some of our best link builders are ones that made lots of mistakes early on, in fact.
A link builder learns to build links by building links, not by reading about building links, talking about building links, and thinking about building links
We’ve always had the philosophy that link builders need to make mistakes because they’ll learn more from those than they would from being careful and never making any. That is why our system works internally; the link builders get the links and management performs extra due diligence in order to accept or reject them. Every link that goes out the door has been carefully examined by several people so that mistakes are caught before reaching a client.
We can train an offsite link builder for your team just as easily as we can train an in-house link builder for our own company
When we work as outsourced link team managers, much of what we do involves suggesting outreach possibilities, coming up with content ideas, reviewing current backlink profiles and internal link structure, and helping with discovery. We can train an offsite link builder for your team just as easily as we can train an in-house link builder for our own company. We also review what your link team is doing so that we can identify problems and second guess their link work. While that sounds negative, a second critical eye on links is not a bad thing, and we work with a few clients who have another team reviewing our links, too.